Mythology to History
A brief overview of the irrefutable substantial evidence now available which corroborates Vedic statements, timelines, history and innumerable other facts stated in the vast Vedic literatures — much of which unfortunately have previously been regarded as mythology. Strong substantiation by scientific investigation now moves these narrations from the realm of mythology to that of historical facts.
Vedic Science & History By Swami B. B. Vishnu
A detailed overview of the various contributions of ancient Vedic Indian culture to our civilization —authenticated with new evidences based on latest scientific methodologies. ORDER NOW »
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Numerous Recent Findings in archaeology, genetics, linguistics, cultural continuity and other sciences are rewriting history. Read about it here. |
LAHORE: Pakistani archaeologists have discovered a rare Indus Valley civilization-era seal of an ibus in steatite dating back to 2,500-2,000 BC from the Cholistan area of Punjab province. |
Endangered Historic Temple in India Saved from Slow Destruction
A magnificent historic temple among the ancient ruins of Hampi, India, receives a much-needed restoration. GHF and conservationists are hoping that the work being done at Hampi will serve as a model that will be applied to other significant cultural sites facing disintegration or destruction throughout the developing world.
Woods Hole Study Concludes: Collapse of Ancient Indus Civilization Due to Climate Change
"We reconstructed the dynamic landscape of the plain where the Indus civilization developed 5200 years ago, built its cities, and slowly disintegrated between 3900 and 3000 years ago..." A new study combining the latest archaeological evidence with state-of-the-art geoscience technologies provides evidence that climate change was a key ingredient in the collapse of the great Indus or Harappan Civilization almost 4000 years ago. The study also resolves a long-standing debate over the source and fate of the Sarasvati, the sacred river of Hindu mythology.
Linguistic Aspects of the Indo-European Urheimat Question by Dr. Koenraad Elst It is too early to say that linguistics has proven an Indian origin for the Indo-European family... Linguistic Evidence
Brahmi Inscription: A short inscription engraved in the Brahmi characters has been discovered in the Edakal cave on the Ambukuthi hill in Kerala's Wayanad district. This is the fifth Tamil-Brahmi inscription discovered in the caves. |
Lost textile village back on UP map A long-buried village, burnt down by the British in 1857, has finally got its due nearly 150 years after it lost its place on the country’s map.
Mahua Dabar — a village in modern-day Basti, Uttar Pradesh, where weavers from Bengal had migrated early in the 19th century — was indeed a textile hub before the British razed it to the ground.
Aryan Invasion Debate Read the latest articles on the Aryan Invasion and keep up to date on this important topic: Aryan Invasion Theory |
Indian scientist set to change world history Was Max Muller at fault when he propagated the White Invasion theory? Did Aryan Invasion not take place? Are we going to witness a change in world history? If reports of Prof Lalji Singh — an internationally acclaimed biotechnology expert — are to be believed, recent studies and research work on tracing genetic lineage of primitive human species have already suggested a different world history, enough to prove a major breakthrough in this field. No White Aryan Invasion? |
Decoding the Ancient Script of the Indus Valley The ancient cities of the Indus Valley belonged to the greatest civilization the world may never know. Since the 1920s, dozens of archaeological expeditions have unearthed traces of a 4,500-year-old urban culture that covered some 300,000 square miles in modern day Pakistan and north-western India. Digs at major sites such as Mohenjo-daro and Harappa revealed a sophisticated society whose towns had advanced sanitation, bathhouses and grid-like city planning.
Archaeologists to unravel origins of iron and steel in India In a new research, archaeologists have studied the origins of high carbon steel-making and iron in the southern Indian sub-continent. |
Newly Discovered Archaeological Sites In India Reveal Ancient Life Newly discovered archaeological sites in southern and northern India have revealed how people lived before and after the colossal Toba volcanic eruption 74,000 years ago. |
New Book Available from Amazon - Science of the Sacred (external link) by David Osborn with a Forward by Dr. David Frawley - Browse the ancient traditions of Sacred Dance, Vedic Mathematics, Vastu Shastra, Vedic Science, Transcendental Sound, Ayurvedic Natural Treatment and more. As a PDF: Science of the Sacred PDF
 Aryan Invasion — History or Politics? By Dr. N.S. Rajaram The evidence of science now points to two basic conclusions: first, there was no Aryan invasion, and second, the Rigvedic people were already established in India no later than 4000 B.C.E.... Aryan Invasion
Archaeology News Around the World Stay in touch with the latest updates
Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Seals in Modern Science By Prof. C.P. Trivedi The Indus Valley Civilization was scientifically developed. It has generated a quest to know their source of scientific development. It has been observed that the excavated seals and the tablets are the hoofs of their traces. The Vedic metaphors have been engraved on the seals. |
Underwater Archaeology in the Gulf of Cambay An innocuous piece of wood along with a slew of artifacts are set to push back Indian antiquity to 7,500 B.C.E., if material picked up from the sea-bed of the Gulf of Cambay gets scientific verification...Cambay Archaeology
Ganging up on biblical archaeology A Times Op-Ed writer stubbornly dismissed evidence that shows an important artifact from the Holy Land may not be a hoax. Nina Burleigh ("Hoaxes from the Holy Land” Op-Ed article, Nov. 29) is unwilling to consider the possibility that the now-famous bone box (see left) inscribed "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus" is authentic.
 The Harappan Civilization By Tarini J. Carr Thousands of years ago there thrived a civilization in the Indus Valley; the earliest known urban culture of the Indian subcontinent... Harappan Civilization
Vedic Roots of Early Tamil Culture By Michel Danino In recent years attempts have been made to cast a new look at ancient India. For too long the picture has been distorted by myopic colonial readings of India’s prehistory and early history, and more recently by ill-suited Marxist models...
Full Story (Opens in new window)
Art History Timelines Comprehensive timelines of art history from all over the world. Details of every time period and particular events are given. This is a fantastic site, with many links to related information... Art history timelines
Natural History of the Vedic Civilization Unique conditions at the end of the Ice Age gave rise to agriculture in Southeast Asia. Its spread to India made the Vedic civilization possible.
The Vedic Harappans in Writing
In the Harappan cities some 4200 seals, many of them duplicates, have been found which carry short inscriptions in an otherwise unknown script. There is not the slightest doubt that this harvest of Harappan writings is but the tip of an iceberg...
By Dr. Koenraad Elst Full Story
he Rock Art of Central India
Despite the excellent work carried out by my Indian colleagues in the past quarter of a century, Indian rock art is not as well known abroad as it should be. And yet it is both extremely abundant and spectacular..." Rock Art
Vastu Shastra- Sacred Vedic Architecture By Muktirajsinhji Chauhan
 Adherence to Vastu Shastra, the ancient and medieval canons on city planning and architecture, has suddenly assumed tremendous significance, particularly among the well-educated and affluent in urban India. It may be difficult to predict if this is just a fad ... Vastu Shastra Article
UP village offers a fresh clue to solve a Harappan puzzle

The remains found in western UP. SINAULI, NOVEMBER 17: For thousands of years, the fields of Sinauli in western Uttar Pradesh hid their secret well. But now its past is out in the open. Beyond the village's brick lanes and lounging buffaloes, a burial site of the Harappans dating back to about 2,600 BC has finally given up its dead.. UP Village |
Origins of Iron Ore Working in India
Recent excavations in Uttar Pradesh have turned up iron artifacts, furnaces and slag in layers radiocarbon dated between c. B.C.E. 1,800 and 1,000. This raises again the question of whether iron working was brought in to India during supposed immigrations of the second millennium B.C.E., or developed independently...Iron Ore
Sculptures of the Indus Valley The story of Indian art and sculpture dates back to the Indus valley civilization of the 2nd and 3rd millennium B.C.E. Tiny terra-cotta seals discovered from the valley reveal carvings of peepal leaves, deities and animals. A golden chapter of Indian sculpture opens in the 3rd century B.C.E., when the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka adopted Buddhism and set out to spread it's teachings far and wide... Indus Sculptures |
A British View of India During the last three centuries attempts of most Westerners to penetrate the deeper dimensions of Indian culture has at best been doomed to superficiality... British View of India
Archaeology top
The Heliodorus Column An archaeological discovery shows that there were western followers of Vedic principles twenty-two centuries ago. The column erected by Heliodorus, a Greek ambassador to India in the second century B.C.E., first came to notice in 1877, during an archaeological survey by General Cunningham. To our knowledge, Heliodorus is the earliest Westerner on record to adopt Vedic principles... Heliodorus Column |